Monday, August 18, 2008

Puppy Kindergarden

First day of school!

Elway made sure none of the other puppy's though he was a momma's boy. Oh no. He didn't do ANYTHING he was supposed to do. He could barely walk he was trying so hard to ignore Michele. With all his ignoring and attempts at mouthing his parents he still was at the top of his class. (Golden Retriever Puppy had been given catnip before class...)

We're practicing extra hard this week so we'll have some sembelence of control on Monday. He's coming quite well now and we've set up bells to train him to ring to go outside. One of the problems we had in class was his treats. He likes to chew his food VERY completely, and if given a treat needed a good 2-5 mins to completely chew it up before moving on to the next task. Luckly we found some tiny, almost invisible cat treats at the doggy health food store for him.

I really think next week he might obey us! (at least once....maybe...hopefully...sigh)

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