Monday, December 7, 2009

Elways first Christmas Tree

Michele grew up with strict Christmas traditions. She always has to go to a candle light service Christmas Eve. She MUST have a freshly cut Christmas tree! Garrett so far has been happy to indulge her, and this was Elway's first trip to the Tree Farm. It was beyond cold, but he didn't mind. Michele pretty much picked the first Nobel she saw (too big? never!) so that Garrett could retreat from cold ASAP. Elway was very happy with the selection, and he even abstained from peeing on it, while it was still in the ground, or after, at home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Elway's holiday photo shoot

Like all important public figures, Elway had photos taken for the holidays.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'll never win a championship now!

Apparently, Michele had been thinking of turning me into some kind of "show dog". My hair hadn't been trimmed in Months! I couldn't see, and I drug so much grass, sticks and dirt inside. I could understand why she thought that might be a good idea, I am awfully cute!

Luckily for me, we went to a dog show last weekend. The other Lhasa Apso's looked so regal with all their hair. Everyone loved me, of course. After Michele talked to the owners about upkeep of the look, she decided that day to give up the fight against my hair.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why won't the cats love me?

All I want is for the cats to play with me. I'm furry, they're furry. We should all be best friends.

You can tell they are both glaring at me from the cat tree. Why? I just want to be everyones friend.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Elway loves sleep

At work-

While watching me read-

Watching Garrett play video games-

On his toy-

In my spot-

Cuddling with me on the couch-

In his bed-

Watching the game-

Monday, April 20, 2009

Elway and Hobbes

It is quite funny to watch Elway and his best friend Hobbes playing. A stranger would be concerned for Elway's life-Hobbes is much bigger and they get rough! I can't even describe how much fun they have playing together-so I'll let a few pics show it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Elway's First Birthday

I have some really cute pics of Elway and Hobbes playing, but that will have to be another time.

Elway turned one on April 11th, and to celebrate we got him a VERY expensive doggie bed (his first) AND a new toy. He appreciated the new toy very much. However....he refused to lay in the bed. Of course. So it was promptly returned and traded in for a cheaper model that resembles his bed at work.

He also got switched to Adult food mixed in to his puppy kibble. Soon it will be all adult food. He was so excited for his birthday that he destroyed my new strawberry potter. Dug all the plants right out, looked really proud of his work too.